Here you can get the information HOW TO work correctly with Pcad. The fact is that all the published literature is the translation of documentation sets that are shipped from company and is nothing more. It can be seen that in some cases after translation and compilation it has defects of wrong understanding. Here is the example. In the Razevig book the statement is many times copied about the pin type is not enabled to save in PDIF. To check it and to deny is easy way to do. Just run PDIF-out and PDIF-in and see that pin type is saved! The fact is it is saved in the special PDIF section.
Here you can get:
Tutorials |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) |
Online Manuals |
Bug Listings |
Online Manuals:
The full Pcad documentation set
Assembly Drawings
Today is most popularity is to use e-paper solution for documentation. Standard de-facto is Adobe PDF format.
Adobe Acrobat work on all existing platforms ( DOS , Win, UNIX, Apple, Be and Linux ). So best way is to give documentation in this format. Just install " PDF printer driver" like PDF Writer and from WinPlot you can print to file PDF. But in this output PDF not exist searchable text and it is very important for making Assembly Drawings with a lot of components. I made tests and now I know the way.
Need to use DXF and after program like Adobe Illustrator for creating PDF. But best results you can get from DXF created from PLT.
So we have this options :
1) *.pcb -> *.plt -> WinPlot + PDF Writer -> PDF (no search)
2) *.pcb -> *.dxf -> Adobe Illustrator -> SPDF ( bad results )
3) *.pcb -> *.plt -> DXF-Trans-> *.dxf -> Adobe Illustrator -> SPDF !!!
4) *.pcb -> *.plt -> PC-Trans -> *.dxf -> Illustrator -> SPDF ( only for ver 4, 5 and 6 with plt6to4)
About DXF-Trans and PC-Trans see on " Programs" page.
NetList changes
Net2pcb it is other good program from ELCAD that you "must have " because all day customers made NetList changes. So you must to know what exactly was changed. And after this to do this changes. And this program can help you. But this program don't check parts. You can use for it PC-NLT that check parts but erase all existing traces if you update netlist. So we must use it both. We have a plan !
1) MyProj.pcb -> Save As -> Orcad.pcb
Because it write in and it good for us ( can't destroy myProj.pcb if you make mistake )
2) -> PartsMaker + *.prt -> Orcad.alt
Need to do changes of names parts to names existing in library. Now you can see exactly what changed. If components not changed go to number 6.
3) Orcad.alt + Orcad.pcb -> PC-NLT -> NewPart.pcb
pc-nlt include new parts and new netlist but erase all traces
4) NewPart.pcb -> Block Save -> blkprt.pcb
because old components after pc-nlt fixed, we can Move Window new components outside and to make block of it.
5) Orcad.pcb -> LoadBlock( blkprt.pcb) -> Orcad.pcb
and put this block on Orcad.pcb . Now we have old pcb with new parts.
6) Orcad.pcb -> NET2PCB -> NewProj.pcb
New components and new netlist with no changed traces ! In NET2PCB exist option erase new traces or unconnected them and leave in PCB.
Bug warning !
I never heard the message about this bug but I know it is real and it is dangerous. I call it the \b Bug.
The situation is that binary board database file could contain the text data as some words separated by spaces. So the PDIF output text file that is generated after binary will have \b in the place for space. And what about backward translation? Naturally \b is substituted to space … Everything is in order but bug is appeared as the thief … Because some people who do not understand could use the filename starts with b. For instance, board1.apr, brd2.ssf. Assume it with paths like \pcad\work\brd2.ssf !
Troubleshoot: after PDFIN, PDFOUT done, the new PDFIN refuse to understand the file that has spaces in its path \pcad\work rd2.ssf!
The solution: never give you file the name that starts with b!
Beside all I will make my effort to answer your questions about P-cad usage. For example:
- What is this polygon and how to fight it?
- What is CVOID, PVOID, Merge voids.
- Enter to all mechanical parts Component Type = 0 and you never see in future it in all reports ( .mat , .cmp, pkl, ins ..).
- This little bath file can make you list of used and not used RefDes.
pcnodes %1.pcb
pcform -r %1.pnl
erase %1.pnl
Stay in touch with me and write me what is on your mind.